Many people have heard the term slipped disc. It is often used to describe a disc between spinal bones that has been injured and is causing back pain. While discs can be an important cause of back pain, the truth is they cannot slip. Discs act as shock absorbers between our spinal bones and they are firmly attached to these bones. Instead, if a disc is causing pain, it is usually either inflammed, worn down (degenerative changes) or bulging (herniation). It is also very common for disc problems to cause more leg pain than back pain because of the adjacent nerves that are being irritated or compressed. Another important fact about disc injuries is that they do not always require surgery. Many disc injuries will heal with proper treatment. Chiropractic is one treatment that can facilitate healing of injured discs by creating mobility in the spinal bones that surround the disc. Spinal decompression can also help heal discs by creating a powerful stretch that can help return a bulging or herniated disc to a more normal shape. So although discs cannot slip, they can cause pain if injured. Thankfully, chiropractic can be a very useful option in treating these types of problems
1447 Upper Ottawa St. Units 5/6
Hamilton, Ontario
L8W 3J6
Phone: 905-318-0077