What would an un-biased study about chiropractors, led by a world-renowned medical doctor, actually reveal? Two studies have come to some insightful conclusions. The first study collected data from 1999 to 2002 and the second looked at information collected between 2003 and 2005. The lead investigators for both studies were Dr. Richard Sarnat MD and Dr. James Winterstein DC. For the entire 7-year period between 1999 and 2005, patients who utilized chiropractors as primary care physicians had 60% fewer hospitalizations, 62% fewer outpatient surgical cases and 85% lower pharmaceutical costs. Chiropractors also had significantly higher patient satisfaction scores as well. This all led Dr. Sarnat to conclude the following:
"I have always believed that the over-utilization of pharmaceuticals and surgery, and the under-utilization of more natural healing techniques such as chiropractic, have been the cause of great suffering. Yet I had no idea the magnitude of both clinical improvement and cost-effectivess would near 50% in both cases. This was surprising for me, and good news for the world!"
This is yet another example of the role chiropractic can play in enhancing health of individuals and communities.
Source. Dr. Mark Huntsman. Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic.
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